Please let me take the opportunity to introduce and recommend Dr. Jakob Mainert. In March 2017 Jakob was engaged by the Vodafone Procurement Company (VPC) as the Cognitive Lens Consultant in the Digital Supply Chain Team. In his role Jakob was responsible for developing a unique and scalable data driven project that encourages change in people’s minds and forecasts the cognitive future of supply chain management.
Throughout his time working in Vodafone, Jakob rigidly focused on his project “The Cognitive Lens”, which is a transformational exercise and provides transparency in the end-to-end process of procurement. Through a standardized job reflection about the nature of work, as well as the study of time, his tool helps to shape the design of our daily business in a matrix-organization. He applied the Cognitive Lens tool with more than 120 managers and employees in seven Vodafone markets across Europe and offered us deep analyses and insights. In addition, the tool involved each employee in matters of personal and strategic change. The tool distinguishes areas in which Vodafone needs to focus an increasing amount of attention to create new value, from areas of commodities and routine processes.
It has an impact on the future of our work and provides an overarching piece of insight that will shape the profile of our staff over the coming years whilst supporting the drive for increased efficiency through reshaping our structure. Dr. Jakob Mainert impressed us with an evidence-based approach that builds on his Ph.D.-research and successfully put research into relevant practice.
Jakob decided to leave Vodafone to pursue other opportunities. We regret seeing Jakob leave and wish him all the best for his future.